Learning Python

1. A Guide to Python Variables

In Python, variables act as labeled boxes for storing data. They provide easy access and manipulation throughout your code, making them essential for organizing your work.

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2. Understanding Variable Scope in Python

A variable's scope defines the area of code where it can be accessed and modified. A local variable is only accessible within the block of code where it's created, such as a function or loop.

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3. Type casting in Python

Type casting, also known as type conversion, is converting a variable from one data type to another.

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4. Operators: The Essential Tools of Python

Operators are the special symbols that let you do math, make decisions, and work with data in Python.

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5. Python Conditions & if Statements

Conditions are expressions that evaluate to True or False, allowing your code to make decisions and execute different actions based on those evaluations.

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6. While Loops in Python

While loops are used when the number of iterations is not known beforehand or depends on a condition.

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