A Guide to Python Variables

In Python, variables act as labeled boxes for storing data. They provide easy access and manipulation throughout your code, making them essential for organizing your work. Let’s dive into the key concepts:

Creating Variables:

No need for prior declaration—simply assign a value to a name:

age = 30 
name = "Alice"

Naming Rules:

Data Types:

Python variables hold various data types:

Dynamic Typing:

Assignment and Reassignment:

Use = to assign values.

Reassign new values at any time:

x = 10 
x = "Hello" # Now x holds a string


Interesting Traits:

References, not values: Variables store references to objects, not values directly.

Multiple assignments:

Assign multiple values in one line:

x, y, z = 10, 20, 30

Simultaneous assignment and swapping:

a, b = 5, 10 a, b = b, a # Swaps a and b

Chained assignments:

Use one variable’s value to assign to another:

x = y = 10 # Both x and y hold 10

Best Practices:

Remember: Variables are your trusty sidekicks for organizing and tracking information in Python programs. Master their usage for efficient and effective code!